— My Humboldt Diary — exposé by nuclear whistleblower

My Humboldt Diary: A True Story of Betrayal of the Public Trust is a must-read exposé by whistleblower and former nuclear worker Bob Rowen documenting PG&E’s practices at Humboldt Bay Nuclear Power Plant near Eureka, California and retaliation against workers and others who raised safety issues, and the contamination from the plant, still unaddressed today.

“This book — My Humboldt Diary: A True Story of Betrayal of the Public Trust — is more than a telling of the story about PG&E’s Humboldt Bay Nuclear Power Plant. It is Bob Rowen’s account of what happened during his Humboldt Bay ordeal that turned him against nuclear power, caused him to become disenchanted with America’s system of justice, and made him realize how powerful and sinister America’s nuclear juggernaut truly is. His Diary explains why we must not allow even one more nuclear power plant to be built.”

PG&E / U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (predecessor of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission) claimed:
   “Nuclear energy is safe, clean, and economical.”

The Pacific Gas and Electric Company also claimed:
  “Everything we’ve done at Humboldt Bay has been in a fishbowl.”

Author Bob Rowen says, “Nothing could be further from the truth!”

My Humboldt Diary reveals the all too often intertwined nefarious behavior of corporate America and government. It provides historical knowledge for understanding the horrible legacy of the ill-fated Humboldt Bay Nuclear Power Plant. PG&E’s Humboldt Bay nuclear facility cost $33 million to build. The plant operated for a total of 13 years with many shutdowns during its operating life. The cost of decommissioning the plant is now approaching a BILLION dollars with no real end in sight.”

This stunning book is now in its second printing.


Order today at https://myhumboldtdiary.com/order-now.html


Interviews with whistleblowers on Humboldt Bay:

Bob Rowen interview

Scott Rainsford interview

Scott Rainsford interview – longer video

Darrell Whitman interview